
Showing posts from June, 2021

how much pets do you have?

what pet do you have?  I did this on google sheets, I asked 11 people how much pest do they have and what is the pet.  I found that fish's are the most poplour pet probably because they are easy to look after. Also I found out horse are the lest poplour pet. 

The rena

How humans have impacted on the ocean

Today we were making a google slide about the impacted that people do to the ocean. Zoe and I made a google slide about the Rena. I worked on the impact that the Rena had to ocean and Zoe worked on how it happened.   I was so surprised that about 2,000 seabirds died and also $27.6 million to clean up. about 2,000 seabirds. It is estimated that 20,000 seabirds were affected.   about 2,000 seabirds. It is estimated that 20,000 seabirds were affecte