how to play yoshi

 how to play yoshi

One day we were playing P.A.L/sport, the seners were teaching us yoshi and it took ages to explain it, yoshi is a sports game. 

What you need

First you need 2 have a cones to mack a line in the middle for each side and hoops diagonally for Safe spot so when someone called yoshi you can run in to it and different colour sash.

How to play 

Second thing you need to know is the rules, you have two teams you put the cones in the middle where you're playing one team on one side and one team on the other. put the hoops diagonally and Each team needs a different colour sash. when someone calls “yoshi” you run to the hoops on the opposite side.

How to get out 

Third thing you need is know is how to get out when you are on the opposite side of your the cone you can get tagged and if you get tagged you have to stay still in the spot until one of your teammates come and save you thay have to hold your Hand and run back to your side. 

How to win 

Finally you need to know how to win, when some one said “yoshi” you need to run into the hoops but when some one is still it means thay have been tagged and you need to dering them to the other side and back into the hoops and if your hole team is in the hoopsas a result of that you win.


As a conclusion it is a fun game it is easy is setup and lots of people can play.

here is a video of yoshi


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