I think our ocean is not in good health

 Our ocean is not in good health.

Do you know that it is estimated that 95.000 cubic metres of sewage from toilets is dumped into the ocean every day? And an average house is 480 cubic meters so that is equal to 200 houses filled to the brim with sewage from toilets in the UK? Along with this gross sewage, there is a lot more pollution.  Global warming is also impacting our oceans' ability to stay clean.  Then we have the greed of humans who are over fishing. We need to make some changes because our ocean is not in good health anymore.


Pollution is causing small organisms to ingest toxins and then they are getting eaten by larger predators. Many of them we evenly eat and that can lead to long term health conditions. What happens to the sewage in the ocean? It all causes the water quality to deteriorate and that affects aquatic ecosystems. Three things can happen when raw sewage enters a body of water. It could be dissolved, it might become suspended in the water column or it will sink to the bottom and stay there. You already know that 95,000 cubic metres of sewage from toilets is dumped into the ocean every day but do you know that 5,420,000 cubic metres of sewage from sinks, galleys and showers are released into the oceans each day? You can help by not buying plastic bags and plastic bottles. 

Global warming

Global warming is an aspect of climate change referring to the long term rise of the atmosphere mainly from human activities such as burning fossil fuels and farming. It is not good for our ocean. You are probably wondering if global warming is the same as climate change. Global warming refers to the rise in global temperatures. Climate change refers to the increasing changes in the measures of climate over a long period of time including precipitation, temperature, and wind patterns. I think global warming and climate change is as bad as each other. Since 1870 Sea levels have risen 8 inches that have impacted on so many lives. People need to stop burning fossil fuels and start farming for soil health.

Over fishing

Over fishing is when too many fish  are taken out of the ocean it creates an imbalance that can erode the food web and lead to a loss of over important marine life including species like sea turtles. Almost 30% of fish stocks commercially fished are over fished. It has been estimated that between 0.97 to 2.7 trillion fish are caught from the wild and killed globally every year and . This doesn't include the billions of fish that are farmed. According to world counts there are going to be now fish in 2048 that is only 26 years. We need to make the fish amount that you get lower.

People need to stop over fishing,ocean pollution and global warming if we want to live in the future. If we look after the ocean it will look after us for a lifetime.


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