School Bike Track

 School Bike Track

One day our class was thinking of geting a bike track so our Teacher said we should make a leter to sane jones and the hole class did it. It was run but we did not get money.

What is the Benefits of a bike track

Fist you need to now what are the Benefits of a bike track.

the Benefits of a bike track is you get feter , good for your heart , inpoed balest , get off phone and devis , and many more . 

Where it will go 

second thing you need to now is where it will go it will go up on the hill here is a story we let a famer put his cow’s up on the hill and on time i saw up there a cow chased at me is was so scary and I rhes panet it was shre. So we are going to put it up ther because it is 14 acers that is a lot of land.


It was fun plaing the hill but it was a bummer we did not get money from sane jones but we already got money for the school for a shedid erey so it is ok.

By Ava


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